Biochemical Screening Of Cellulase In The Gut Of Glossoscolex Paulistus Used For Composting Of Textile Dye Treated Eichhornia Crassipes

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Nirmala College For Women-Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


Bioremediation is considered as the best technique to treat and reduce biodegaradable wastes that gets accumulating day by day. A study was conducted to reduce the accumulation of biodegradable wastes by using earthworm sps. by evaluating the level of digestive enzymes in the gut of earthworm (Glossoscolex paulistus). Glossoscolex paulistus used to compost Eichhornia crassipes grown in vat dye solution was used for this study. Glossoscolex paulistus used to compost Eichhornia crassipes grown in water without dye was used as control. Digestive enzyme activities in the earthworm gut was done on the casein agar plate. The screening results revealed the quantitiy of enzymes produced as 153.80 ± 0.02 U/L for cellulase in the gut of earthworms from the vat dye solution than from control. Furthermore, cellulase activity was estimated in the gut of Glossoscolex paulistus from the vat dye solution. The maximum activity of 137.20±0.023 U/L was observed at the pH of 7.0 and 7.5 for cellulase enzyme. The enzyme activity was maximum at the temperature of 40ºC to70°C for the enzyme. Cellulase showed peak activitiy at 40ºC (137.22 ± 0.022 U/L). The enzyme production varies with respect to time for different enzymes. The maximum cellulase activity was seen at 72 hours (137.22 ± 0.022 U/L) in the test conducted from 12 hrs to 120 hrs time period. Copper sulphate salt showed more profound effect in the production of cellulase (137.22 ± 0.02 U/L).


Volume 12, Issue 3 - Serial Number 3
ICMMNT-2021 International Virtual Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Nanotechnology, 30th June, 2021.
June 2021
Pages 2597-2603