Fuzzified M/M/1 Traffic Model

Document Type : Primary Research paper


PG and Research Department of Mathematics, Holy Cross College ( Autonomous ), Trichirapalli – 620 002, Affliated to Bharathidasan university


The evaluation of undisturbed traffic flow is basically on experiential methods. We intend some logical queueing models based on traffic counts and we develop the function of traffic flow of the most applicable determining factors. This paper used a method to build the membership functions using DSW algorithm of the traffic flow model in queueing systems where the inter-arrival and service time are to be fuzzified. We plan to model in M/M/1 queue model whose arrivals and service rate are fuzzy numbers. Our research objectives are congestion control, traffic management and environmental impact of road traffic. We illustrate our results for determining maximum traffic flow based on trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.
