Effectiveness Of Couple Enrichment Module On Marital Satisfaction And Subjective Well-Being During Covid-19

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Research Scholar,Department of Psychology,Anugraha Institute of Social Sciences, Dindigul,Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.

2 Head-Department of Psychology,Anugraha Institute of Social Sciences, Dindigul, Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai


Marital satisfaction (MS) is an individual mental state that reflects the benefits and cost of marriage; higher the perceived benefits, higher the satisfaction (Stone & Shackelford, 2007). Subjective well-being (SWB) is a broad concept that includes positive affect, negative affect and life satisfaction (Diener, Lucas & Oishi, 2002). Previous studies have shown the importance of MS and SWB for the well-being of families. COVID-19 has seriously affected the family well-being, with rise in the family violence (Humphreys, Mying, &Zeanah, 2020), stress and depression (Ceri &Cicek, 2021), financial crisis (Mamun, Bhuiyan, Manzar, 2020), and divorce (Prasso, 2019).
The researchers explore the effectiveness of “Couple Enrichment Module’ (CEM) to enhance MS and SWB among the spouses, during this pandemic situation. A pilot study with 25 participants was carried out to explore the feasibility of this interventional model. Given the significant difference, a few modifications were added to the CEM and the intervention was carried out with 90 persons (30 men, 60 women) with a pre and post-test. The instruments used were: Index of Marital Satisfaction (Hudson, 1992) and Subjective well-being (Sell & Nagapal, 1992). The results show that the intervention is effective in mitigating the severity of marital problems and thusincreasing the level of MS and SWB. When checked for gender, there was a significant difference regarding MS and not in SWB. Limitations and future scope is discussed.
