School Mental Health Among Teachers- An Impact Analysis

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Bharathidasan University, Khajamalai Campus, Tiruchirappalli-23


The study “School Mental Health among Teachers- An impact analysis” was conducted, to promote School Mental Health among School teachers in Tiruchirapalli district. School mental health practice is not much thought in this region. It is one of the basic necessities that the teachers should get to know for the better all-round development of the school students. The review of literature, pertaining to the topic, gave an insight into thestudy regarding School Mental health. For selecting the sample, the researcher has adopted two phase sampling design (Kristopher Jennings 2009). In the first phase out of the Primary schools, High schools and Higher secondary schools only High schools and Higher Secondary schools were selected by simple random sampling using lottery method. In the second phase census method was adopted and selected all the teachers who attended the workshop. Pre- assessment was done with all the teachers before attending the workshop. Hence the sample of the study consisted of 55 school teachers. School Mental Health inventory was constructed, standardized and published by J.O.JerydaGnanajaneEljo, P. Ilango and S.Vijaya Lakshmi (2017). The overall reliability of the tool was .926. This tool was used to collect the data from the teachers who attended the workshop.The data was carefully analyzed and processed, statistical test such as Mean, Standard Deviation, Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation, independent test, Paired t test and F Test were applied to interpret the data and to draw meaningful inferences by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The overall measure of School Mental Health before intervention was that more the half of the respondents (56.4%) had average level of school mental health whereas after intervention majority of the respondents (61.8%) had average level of school mental health.
