The Motifs Of Quest For Identity And Alienation In Kiran Desai’s Hullaballo In The Guava Orchard-A Study

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Research Scholar, Id.No:2002541006, KLEF deemed to be University, University Guntur,A.P.

2 Associate Professor Department of English KLEF deemed to be Guntur, A.P


This present research investigation aims at exploring the themes of Quest for Identity and Alienation caused by the advent of globalization in the debut novel of Kiran Desai, “Hullaballoo in the Guava Orachard.” The major objective of this paper is to study the effects of Proliferation in the modern Indian society, lack of freedom, monotonous living, dull and tiresome people, boring society, and materialistic world that are mirrored in the novel. The minor aim of the present research article encompasses the problems faced by the immigrants in the host country : the misires in the relationship, cross-culture, assimilation, hybridity, the wit and allegory of the modern society and meta-fiction that are discussed by the novelist. The study also examines that Desai as a Diasporic novelist painted the personal and cultural inferences of imaginary Homeland SHAKHOT in northern India; its multiculturalism, and the difficulties faced by the various characters through the portrayal of Sampath, Chawla, Kulfi and her daughter. The process of the study adopts meticulous interpretation of the text, the relevant literary texts and articles related to it. The paper also intends to show that both the themes ‘Quest for Identity, Freedom’ and ‘Alienation’ are interlinked.
