A Proposed Method to Solve Transportation Problem by Generalized Pentagonal and Hexagonal Fuzzy Numbers

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Department of Ancient Science, Tamil University, Tanjavur, India

2 Department of Mathematics, Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, India


Fuzzy numbers figuring essential parts in issues in the dynamic, examination of information, and economics course of action. Tracking down the Positioning of any Fuzzy numbers is an unavoidable advance in numerous numerical models. A significant number of the strategies proposed, which created the best answer for the transportation issues. This paper presents a proposed positioning technique applying a similar we change the generalized Fuzzy transportation issue to a dazzling esteemed one, hence into another proposed interaction to uncover the Fuzzy reasonable arrangement. The mathematical representation exhibits that the new projected technique delicate marvellous methods for dealing with the transportation issues on Fuzzy calculations
