A comparative study of tools for intrusion detection technologies in cyberspace

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal, Lima, Perú

2 Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal, Lima, Perú

3 Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón, Lima, Perú

4 Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú


The objective of the study was to compare computer security software technologies based on intrusion detection systems in cyberspace in order to provide information to technicians or specialists to opt for the most optimal and quality service for their different criteria and technical qualities, such as: (a) Year of inception, (b) Countries Implemented, (c) Versions, (d) Type of software, (e) Operating System, (f) Cost, (g) Programming Language, (h)Definition, (i) Features and (j) Benefits. These criteria may benefit users to implement these IDS (Snort, Ossec, KFSensor, Spencer) in their projects or entities with hardware that allows them to maintain the care of their network based on rules and alerts that can be managed with levels of complexity depending on the type of malicious attack or anomaly detected and opt for a more optimal solution for the benefit of maintaining information security.
