Role of micropropagation for propagating medicinal plant Bacopamonnieri L

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Associate Professor, Programme of Botany, Assam Down Town University, Gandhinagar Panikhaiti, Guwahati, Assam, India


The role of micro propagation for propagating medicinal plant Bacopa monnieri L through MS medium was investigated.To perform the experiments soil beds were prepared for planting the plant materials and after six months of plantation the internodes of the B. monnieri L were collected from the beds as explants for the micro propagation under aseptic condition.
Sterilised explants of B. monnieriL were making ready to designed and perform the experiments of a) Invitro propagation under aseptic condition b) Effect of growth regulators on micro propagation.
To perform the experiments culture media were prepared and to study the effect of BAP and Kinetin a series of experiments were performed.
In the first experiments the results showed that after 15 days of inoculation direct organogenesis occur in BASAL medium. The induction of callus formation both from leaf and internodes does not occur. The formation of lateral shoot, length of lateral shoot and number of roots were less.
From the second experiments it was found that after 15 days of inoculation direct organogenesis occur in the BAP. The induction of callus formation both from leaf and internodes occur.
From the third experiments it is found that after 15 days of inoculation direct organogenesis occur in the BAP+KINETIN. The induction of callus formation both from leaf and internodes occur. The formation of lateral shoot, length of lateral shoot and number of roots are less than BAP treatment.
From the experiments it was found that internodes and leaf segments cultured on MS media supplemented with plant hormones like BAP, Kinetin induces organogenesis from callus and subsequent rooting. Maximum number of lateral shoot development observed in MS media supplemented with plant hormone BAP at a concentration of 0.4mg/L and minimum number of lateral shoot found on BASAL medium.
Callus formation from the basal cut end of the internodes and leaf segments of explants were recorded in all concentration of BAP and Kinetin. However, callus induction from basal cut end of internodes and leaf segments was not observed even after 12 days of experiments treated with BASAL medium.
From the present study it was also observed that shoot bud induction occurred in all plant hormone treatments and also observed that callus induction from basal cut end suppress the induction of growth and development of lateral shoot from upper portion.
Induction of root formation was also recorded from the present investigation in almost all treatments. The highest number of root induction was recorded with the treatment of BAP at a concentration of 0.4mg/L. From the present investigation it was also found that all plant hormones induce the growth of shoot length. Longest shoot is recorded on BAP with formation of maximum number of node per shoot.


Volume 12, Issue 3 - Serial Number 3
ICMMNT-2021 International Virtual Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Nanotechnology, 30th June, 2021.
June 2021
Pages 317-323