Battery Monitoring And Smart Charging Using Iot For Electrical Vehicle Applications

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Professor, Department of EEE, AMET Deemed University, Chennai, India

2 Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Kings College of Engineering, Thanjavur, India

3 Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Tagore Engineering College, Chennai, India

4 Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, AMET Deemed University, Chennai, India


This paper describes the application of Internet-of-things (IoT) in monitoring the performance of electric vehicle battery. It is clear that an electric vehicle totally depends on the source of energy from a battery. However, the amount of energy supplied to the vehicle is decreasing gradually that leads to the performance degradation. This is a major concern for battery manufacture. IoT-based battery monitoring system is consists of two major parts i) monitoring device and ii) user interface. Based on experimental results, the system is capable to detect degraded battery performance and sends notification messages to the user for further action. This method is helpful for transportation systems, and V2G systems. This proposed system will improve the city planning and makes the city life easy. With IoT we can easily manage the whole V2G system which will definitely save time and money.
