Void Avoidance and Power Consumption Through Underwater Wireless Sensor Network

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Ph.D Research scholar, Department of Computer Science, Periyar University PG Extension Centre, Dharmapuri,Tamilnadu,India.

2 Associate Professor,Department of Computer Science, Periyar University PG Extension Centre, Dharmapuri,Tamilnadu,India.


An underwater sensor network (UWSN) has many distinguishing characteristics that set it apart from conventional networks. Low latency, energy limitation, dynamic architecture, high rate of error, longer p dynamic architecture propagation delay, and are all examples of this. Because of its capacity to increase the efficiency of UWSNs in conditions of PDR and energy savings, opportunistic connectivity has gained recently a lot of interest as a way to overcome the restrictions of an environment. Underwater detectors can use opportunistic information routing to jointly transmit a packet to its target which is a better strategy for lossy and sparse networks. In this study, researchers present Opportunistic Void Avoidance Routing (OVAR), a unique routing algorithm that addresses the void issue and high bit - error without depending on any location. OVAR can easily circumvent all types of vacant areas at the least price such as power and latency while selecting the cluster of candidate terminals with the actively managing throughput. Each forwarding network can establish a trade-off between energy usage and advancement of the packet by altering the no. of nodes in its sending set, depending on the quality of its neighbors. OVAR can also choose any forwarding configuration from the sender in any route without adding any input layers. In terms of PDR, energy usage, and average E-E delay, the findings of our exhaustive simulation analysis reveal that OVAR surpasses alternative protocols.
