Study Of The Process Of Reforming The Tourism Industry In Uzbekistan

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Institute for fiscal studies under the Ministry of Finance of Republic of Uzbekistan Leading specialist of the project for the analysis and improvement of financing of the social sphere


Currently, the process of cardinal reform of the tourism industry has been launched in Uzbekistan. This goal is to transform tourism into a strategic direction for the development of the national economy, which will ensure its diversification and accelerated development of the regions. In order to increase the effectiveness of the ongoing reforms and radically increase the number of foreign citizens entering the republic, by solving the existing problems of the tourist infrastructure, improving the quality of services provided and actively promoting the national tourist product on world markets, strengthening the human resources potential of the tourism industry, as well as in accordance with the main directions of the Concept of Tourism Development in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019-2025, the necessary measures are being taken.
