Bhabani Bhattacharya’s Portrayal Of Indian Life Through A Foreign Language

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Research Scholar, Department Of English, University Of Madras, Chennai, India

2 Guide and Supervisor, HOD, Department Of English, University Of Madras, Chennai, India

3 Assistant Professor, Department of English, AMET Deemed to be University,Chennai, India


Indian writers in English have long faced the difficulty of expressing experiences that are not central to the language they have chosen to write in. The way Bhattacharya handles the language – moulds and makes it Indian becomes one of the distinctive features of his prose style. The expressions used by the writer have their unmistakable flavour of the vernacular speech and serve the purpose of bringing authenticity to the Indian dialogues. They also provide a glimpse of the wise sayings of the rural people, preserved and transmitted in their everyday conversation as also their attitude to life, and above all, are a gentle reminder to the reader that the characters are firmly rooted in the Indian soil. An occasional use of Indian words in an English dialogue is a laudable attempt to fuse Indianness in English in order to distinguish the native from the foreign dialogue. Even phrases and sentences literally translated into English, do appear quite metaphorical, fairly concrete and tie the speaker to his native place. The caution, of course, is a prerequisite if the use of such expressions is not to degenerate into mannerism and eccentricity.
