Effectiveness of using cement kiln dust as a coagulant in wastewater treatment

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Post Graduate student, M.E. Infrastructure Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India

2 Assistant Professor,Department of Civil Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,India.


The constituents in wastewater are removed by physical, chemical and biological methods. Coagulation and floccula- tion is one of the chemical processes used in water and wastewater treatment for the removal of colloids and very fine suspended solids. In the conventional treatment process, chemicals and naturals coagulants are mostly used. Disposal of cement kiln dust produced from cement manufacturing is found to be a big problem. Many literature studies have revealed the application of cement kiln dust as a coagulant in industrial effluent treatment. The study shows cement kiln dust can alter levels of effluent characteristics like pH, BOD, COD, TDS, TSS. The objective of the project is to study the effectiveness of cement kiln dust in treating domestic wastewater through the coagulation-flocculation process.
