Interactive Interior Design Of Buildings Using Virtual Reality

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Department of Production Engineering PSG College of Technology Coimbatore India

2 Department of Production Engineering PSG College of Technology Coimbatore, India


This work presents the features of using virtual reality-based technology as a
medium to visualize the interior of a building before it is being built. Interior design in
virtual reality is considered important in making its interior look more realistic and
appealing to the user. The paper explains how virtual reality along with the latest software
and hardware can be used for an immersive and interactive user experience. Virtual
walkthrough was developed using Unity 3D software and the head mounted display called
HTC-Vive. The user can move around the space and visualize the assets in the building. In
addition to creating virtual walkthrough, interaction is also enabled so that the user will be
able to change colour and texture of the assets in the building. The effect of aliasing is
negated through polygon reduction of the models in 3D modelling so as to provide a
seamless user experience. The merit of this work is discussed in the conclusion chapter.
