Genetic Statistics Of Modern Uzbek Lexis

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan


The article examines the genetic statistics of modern Uzbek lexis. For this, local language words and loanwords in the lexis were studied separately. Source languages related to Borrowings are classified. The spelling, structure, phonetic features, morphological features of the words received from the donor languages were analyzed and some conclusions were drawn about them. Arabic, Persian, Russian and English, which have a strong influence on the lexis of the Uzbek language, have been identified as the main donor languages of the Uzbek language.Currently, the most accepted words in the Uzbek lexis are English words or words related to European languages. Their transition to lexis is motivated by the English language. However, it was also found that many of these words came from the Russian language. The spelling of the Borrowings enters the Uzbek language in accordance with the nature of the Russian language. Accordingly, it is explained that it is very important to take into account the phonetic, lexical and morphological features of English and Uzbek languages when adopting these words into the lexis.The article says that the Uzbek language has historically been in strong contact with several languages. These include mainly ancient Iranian, Sogdian, ancient Khorezm, ancient Altaic and Chinese, ancient Greek, Hindi, Arabic, Mongolian, ancient Uyghur, classical Persian-Tajik, Tajik, Russian.In the lexical richness of the language, the abundance of Arabic words is associated with the phenomenon of Islam, while the abundance of Persian-Tajik words is seen as an influence of long-term neighborliness, bilingualism, literature.


Volume 12, Issue 3 - Serial Number 3
ICMMNT-2021 International Virtual Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Nanotechnology, 30th June, 2021.
June 2021
Pages 2457-2470