Human Augmentation Through Applications Of Technology

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Dept of Pharmacy, Mahatma Jyotibha Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, U.P. India

2 Computer Science & IT Dept., Mahatma Jyotibha Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, U.P. India

3 Varun Arjun Medical & Pharmacy College, Banthra, Shahjahanpur


Augmented Intelligence works toward increasing the human capacities as well as scaling them by various ways of augmenting humans and through various technologies like cognitive computing. “Human augmentation” is an area of science that seeks to improve Human capacities by technology or medicine. Traditionally, this has been done by consuming organic compounds that strengthen a chosen capability or by inserting implants involving surgical actions. In cooperation of these augmentation techniques can be invasive. External instruments have also gained enhanced capabilities. Recently, virtual reality and multimodal sensing technologies of interaction have been rendered it possible for non-invasive ways to increase human development. In this paper, human augmentation based on applications of technological tools is presented. The working of augmentation is explained in detail. The sensory augmentation technologies are described with the future human abilities being highlighted. Also, a model for wearable augmentation is described in this paper.
