Application of Splines for Approximation

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology & Management. Bengaluru-560064.

2 Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics, Rajarajeswari College of Engineering, Bengaluru-560074 RRCE, Bengaluru-560074.

3 Former Professor, Department of Mathematics, Central College, Bengaluru-560001


We consider the application of splines to function and integral function approximations, where the integral function refers to the indefinite integral whose lower limit is a constant and upper limit is a variable or function of a variable. Integral function approximation are very useful, one simple and immediate application refers to the construction of a table of integral for example the table of logarithms, normal distribution etc, other applications are possible in the evaluation of multiple integrals over triangular and tetrahedral regions to name a few.
