Preparation Of Leflunomide Nanocomposite And Study Of Its Effect On Some Immunological Parameters In Male Rats Induced With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Department of Biology, College of Education, University of Al-Qadisiya, Iraq


The results of the current study showed a significant increase in the arthritic-induced positive control group compared with the negative control group, and the leflunomide drug group did not record any significant differences compared with the positive control, while the nano-drug group - leflunomide recorded a significant decrease compared with the arthritic induction group and Leflunomide group . While interleukin-6 recorded a significant increase in the positive control group compared to the negative control group, with a slight significant decrease in the leflunomide-treated group compared to the induction group for arthritis, and the drug group nano-loaded with leflunomide recorded a significant and clear decrease compared to the positive control group and the drug-treated group. Leflunomide . While the rheumatoid factor (RF) recorded a significant increase in its levels in the positive control group compared to the negative control, and the group treated with leflunomide recorded a slight decrease in RF levels, while the nano-loaded drug group with leflunomide recorded a significant and clear decrease compared to the two groups inducing arthritis and The group treated with leflunomide
