21st Century Approach To Technology Driven Education- AN Empirical Study

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Manipur International University, Imphal, Manipur, India


The World Is Moving With A High Acceleration Due To The Technological Sector’s development, which also powered the internet. Today, the internet is igniting each sector globally, and education is one of them. Edutech collaborates education and technology going hand-in-hand, bringing the era of modern and remote learning. Education is the base of any nation, the more literate a nation is, the faster path that nation takes in development. Improvement and investment in the human resources of a nation can offer them the highest return. The 21st-century approach of education aims to drive education by integrating technology in it. With the help of this paper, we try to inspect and observe how technology is driving up the educational sector named Edutech and how different education institutes integrate these technologies for better development and making of students. A sample of 201 people was surveyed through a structured questionnaire to know the different roles and significance of technology in the educational sector of the 21st century. Mean, and t-test was applied to analyze the data and get the results. It is also found that technology is playing a significant role in driving the education sector of the 21st century.
