Document Type : Primary Research paper


Assistant Professor – MBA, Nehru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore


This paper mainly concentrates on how E-HRM will be useful in reducing the cost in the
organization. E-HRM is using of information technology for both networking and supporting
at least two individuals or more than two in their shared performing of HR activities and
practices. E-HRM is different from HRIS (Human resource information system) and Virtual
HRM. E-HRM is mediated by information technologies to help the organization to acquire,
develop, and deploy the intellectual capital. It is a web-based solution that uses the latest web
based application technology it is online and real-time Human Resource Management
Solution is possible through E-HRM. The E-HRM technology provides a portal which
enables managers, employees and HR professionals to view extract or alter information
which is necessary for managing the HR of the organization and for making decisions
quickly. The World Wide Web has helped modify many HR processes including human
resource planning, recruitment, selection, performance management, work flow, and
compensation. These new systems have enabled HR professionals to provide better service to
all of their stakeholders (e.g., applicants, employees, managers), and it can reduce the
administrative burden in the field and it is very cost effective.

Volume 12, Issue 3 - Serial Number 3
ICMMNT-2021 International Virtual Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Nanotechnology, 30th June, 2021.
June 2021
Pages 569-573