To Study the Advance Techniques of Canal System For Irrigation: With Various Parameter

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, J.C.O.E.T., Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India

2 Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, J.C.O.E.T., Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India


India is basically an agrarian country and crop water is supplied through the system of canals from either dams or distribution chambers. Canal irrigation networks provide water supplies for agriculture and food products. The purpose of irrigation is to achieve an efficient and effective use of available Water sources.
To address these problems Prof P.K. Swamee has suggested an alternate design philosophy based on minimum seepage loss. Swamee presented an equations for computation or seepage losses for triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal sections of canal. In the design of canals both lined and unlined canals systems are generally used. An approximate estimate of seepage under the unlined canal is 7 cusec per meter.