Applying Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) in Domestic wastewater treatment: A Review

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Department of Soil Science and Water Resources, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah, Iraq


Among other treatment approaches, the UASB process has been perceived as a
key component of sophisticated technology for protection of the environment. this review
displays the Operating conditions and basic concepts for design and the factors affecting
the UASB in details. Temperature, granulation, OLR, HRT, pH, and mixing, as well as
their influences on the operation of the hydrogen production and UASB reactor were all
shown in order to achieve the best outcomes. Additionally, post-treatment procedures that
can effectively discharge and/or reutilize treated water are highlighted. this review was
presented to find the best mechanism to develop the UASB reactor.
