Effects of Selenium Sources and Concentrations on the Performance, Meat Quality, and Tissue Properties of Broiler Chickens.

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Department Of Animals Recourses, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq


We wanted to find out how selenium (Se) affects broiler chicken performance, meat physicochemical properties, and selenium deposition in the tissues of broilers. Each of the 96 experimental pens had 30 chickens and included a total of 2,880 one-day-old broilers (Cobb 500 strain). Factorial design of four-by-three (SY + SS) and eightreplicates (SY + SS) was used for the 12 experimental treatments, with selenium levels ranging from 0.15 to 0.60 ppm and organic (SY) or inorganic (SS) sources of selenium and their relationship (SY + SS). There were no differences in performance (P > 0.05) across Se levels or sources. 106 g/day of ADFI, 63 g/day of ADG and 1.6844 kg/kg of FCR were found to be the averaging values for these three parameters: ADFI, ADG and FCR. (P > 0.05) There were no variations in pH (5.79) or shear force between treatments (30.08 kgf). This resulted in the loss of 21.92 percent of breast flesh in the birds given 0.15 ppm Se, which was statistically significant. Adding 0.60 ppm of organic Se to the diet reduced cooking losses the most, according to the study (15.87 percent). It rose from 0.97 mg/kg (0.15 ppm) of selenium to 2.43 mg/kg (0.60 ppm) of selenium in the liver when SY was used. Se concentration in breast meat rose from 0.23 mg/kg to 1.42 mg/kg when SY intake increased. Supplementing the food with 0.15 ppm of Se from any source is thus effective in maintaining normal avian performance. As compared to the SY, the SY was more effective in depositing Se into the liver and breast muscle.
