Studying Chromosomal Changes in the Genetic Material of People Exposed to Electromagnetic Radiation

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq

2 University of Babylon, Iraq


This study aimed to study the chromosomal changes of the peripheral blood lymphocytes of people living near the communication towers in the Diwaniyah city. Where samples were collected from 40 people (males) ranging in age from 20-35 years from different regions, and they were divided according to the distance from the tower into 3 groups in addition to the control group, which consisted of 10 healthy people of the same sex and average age who live in areas far from the towers. Chromosomes were prepared from peripheral blood lymphocytes, and then chromosomal changes were calculated Where the results of the study showed that there are abnormalities in the chromosomes of people who are 30-60 meters away from the tower (the third group) compared to the control group and the rest of the groups, where it reached 1.8 and formed a significant difference at the level (p<0.01).Slight chromosomal changes were also observed in the second and fourth groups, amounting to 1.2 and 0.8, but they did not constitute statistically significant differences compared to the control group. Among the types of abnormalities observed in the chromosomes of the study samples: chromatid fractures, chromatid deletions, chromosomal fragments, and no numerical changes were seen in the studied aggregates.
