Effect of Humic Acid Spraying on Growth, Yield and Viability of Seeds of Two Imported Wheat Cultivars

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 College of Agriculture, Al-Qasim Green University, Iraq

2 College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq


A field experiment was conducted in one of the farmer's fields in the Albu Khatia area / located in Babylon province during the winter season 2021-2022, the experiment was applied in split plots, in a randomized complete block design (R.C.B.D), and with three replicates. The two wheat cultivars (Adana and Barcelona) occupied the main plots, while the spray concentrations of humic acid (0, 2, 4, 6) ml.L-1 occupied the sub plots .In order to study the effect of the stages of spraying concentrations of humic acid on the growth, yield and viability of seeds of two cultivar of imported bread wheat. As for the seed vitality tests, a practical sample was taken from the composite sample and randomly from the harvested seeds to calculate the grain yield in each experimental unit.The tests were conducted in the laboratories of the College of Agriculture, Al-Qasim Green University, and its data were analyzed according to the Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with four replicates for the two factors(the two cultivars of wheat and the spray concentrations.)The results showed the Adana cultivar excelled in each of flag leaf area, number of spikes, and number of grains. spike, weight of 1000 grains, and grain yield with averages of (36.01 cm2, 369.37 spikes, 33.83 grains, 33.21 g, and 4.135 tons.ha-1), respectively .The results of the seed vitality tests showed the Adana cultivar excelled in each of the radical length, the plumage and the dry weight of the seedling, with averages of 9.89 cm, 10.81 cm, and 0.149 mg, with the lowest average germination period of 3.764 days .As for the spray concentrations, the concentration 6 ml.L-1excelled in the average of plant height, flag leaf area, yield traits and its components.It also recorded the best average for each of the percentage of germination, radical length, plumage and dry weight of the seedling (95.63 cm, 12.14 cm, 13.65 cm and 0.220 mg), and the least time for germination was 3.564 days.
