English Language Achievement in the Context of Structural and Communicative Language Curriculum

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Bhilai Maitri College, Risali, Bhilai


Learning to communicate with clarity through a variety of media help students to thrive in the world beyond school. Students use and develop language skills as they read and think about topics, themes, and issues in various subject areas. The present study is focused to understand language achievement in the context of the structural and communicative language curriculum. The study also focused to understand which of the two elements (communicative part or structural part) affects most students on language achievement. The study was conducted on 300 state board (CGBSE) and 300 central board (CBSE) students of the Durg district of Chhattisgarh. Overall students achieved more in the structural aspect rather than the communicative aspect. In the communicative aspect, the achievement of CBSE students inclined more than the CG Board students whereas, in the structural language aspect, CG Board students claimed better achievement than the CBSE students.
