The Effect of Thestrategy of Thinking Power in Linguistic Enlightenment among University Students and their Attitudes Towards Language Learning

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Wasit university, iraq


The current research aims to Exposing the effect of the strategy of the power of thinking on linguistic enlightenment among university students and their attitudes towards language learning among first-stage students in the Department of Arabic Language in the College of Education for Human Sciences, Wasit University - Detection of differences between the students of the control and experimental research groups in the post-tests in linguistic enlightenment and attitudes towards language learning The researcher assumed the following: - There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.5) between the average scores of the students of the experimental group who study the Arabic language subject using the thinking power strategy and the average scores of the students (the control group) who study the Arabic language subject in the usual way, the university lecture in the language enlightenment test. - There is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.5) between the average scores of the students of the experimental group who study the Arabic language subject using the thinking power strategy and the average scores of the students (the control group) who study the Arabic language subject in the usual way, the university lecture in the language learning attitude test. The researcher used the experimental approach due to its suitability to the nature of the current research, and the research sample included stage students Department of Arabic Language in the College of Education for Human Sciences - University of Wasit for the academic year 2022-2023 AD, and the researcher used the statistical bag (SPSS) to reach the results of the research The researcher concluded the following: The teaching method used in teaching the strategy for the power of thinking achieved a development in linguistic enlightenment in teaching the Arabic language. - The superiority of the thinking power strategy over the traditional method used in university teaching in the attitudes towards language learning in post-tests. The researcher recommended the following: - The need to apply modern methods in the teaching process, especially those that develop the cognitive aspects of the curricula. - The need to direct teachers to apply a variety of teaching methods in the teaching process