Growth evaluation of Ambystoma mexicanum and Ocimum basilicum with application of Bacillus subtilis probiotic in aquaponic system

Document Type : Primary Research paper



The mean goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of Bacillus subtilis probiotic, obtained from intestinal tract of Ambystoma mexicanum in the growth of axolotl and basil Ocimum basilicum in an aquaponic system during 10 culture weeks. For this study, two experimental treatments under controlled conditions were designed and made per triplicate. Axolotl organisms final mean weight was 22.85±0.31 g (probiotic treatment) and 22.91±0.55 g (control treatment); length was 126.62±1.34 mm (probiotic treatment) and 131.94±0.55 mm (control treatment). Basil plant total length was 202.85±1.52 mm (probiotic) and 199.28±0.71 mm (control). Both experiments showed significant differences (p<0.05). Survival was of 100% for axolotl and basil. This study shows that Ambystoma mexicanum and Ocimum basilicum were adapted successfully in aquaponic systems without need to apply some inorganic or organic fertilizer.
