Keywords = Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Live Stock Market Prediction Model Using Artificial Neural Network

Volume 14, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 333-340

Kasak Khode; Arya Buwa; Atharva Borole; Harsh Gajbhiye; Dr. Amit Gadekar; Dr. Ram Kumar Solanki

"Revolutionizing Consumer Behavior: the Impact of ECommerce Websites"

Volume 14, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 516-528

Sarthak M. Upasani; Rohit R. Bhoi; Pranav P. Puri; Abhishek A. Jaybhaye; Pawan Bhaladhare; Ram Kumar Solanki

Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Marketing

Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2021, Pages 3159-3167

Mrs.K. Nalini; Dr.P. Radhakrishnan; G. Yogi; S. Santhiya; V. Harivardhini