Learning By Doing: Enhancing Speaking Skills Of Engineering Students Through The Tbl Approach

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Dept. of Sciences & Humanities, VFSTR (Deemed to be University), A.P., INDIA

2 Department of English, Centurion University of Technology & Management, Bhubaneswar, India


There have been progressive demands from students of professional courses like engineering and business administration to help them enhance their oral proficiency in English for their academic, professional and social needs. The present study makes an attempt to find out the impact of a 20-hour oral proficiency course in the first year engineering programme at VFSTR (Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology & Research), a deemed-to-be university situated in the state of Andhra Pradesh of India. The objective of the course was to enhance English proficiency skills of students through micro-presentations. A four-cycle lesson plans were designed as a part of curriculum based on TBLT (Task-based Language Teaching) method and administered through team teaching, to provide learners with opportunities to speak through various tasks like extempore, picture description, role play and group discussion. The paper will dwell on the teacher discussions (pre &post-delivery reflections) on the suitability and efficacy of the tasks adopted; the initial student inhibitions observed; subsequent tweaking of the materials to provide prompts (for the pictures) and key words for the tasks administered, which eventually led to improved outcomes in student performance. On the whole, the results of the tests highlight that there is a significant growth in the speaking skills among learners.
