Perspective OfAgriculture Based Plant Leaf Health Assessment Using Deep Learning

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Department of ECE, KoneruLakshmaiah Education Foundation, Guntur District, A.P, India-522502

2 Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Telangana, India.


In most of the cases, principally the mango leaves were affected due to three kinds of fundamentalinfectionssuch as Bacterial canker,Anthracnose, and Powderymildew.These infections will affect the development rate of mango tree by reducing the ecologicalproductformation and life expectation.Taking this condition under consideration, a leaf malady characterization is projected. The key task of the objective is to coordinatethe leaf present state and necessity to understandthe malady that was originated initially. Therefore, the crucial state for financial misfortune built in the ranchers of the crop. The illness can be destroyed at the initial underlying state. To recognize the leaves that are tainted, the learning technology propounded is to be employed. Thus, proposing a model to instruct picture by CNNwhich is single-streamversion.The available set of data collected comprises of pictures at range of 800, segregated into two parts for: training and testing. The training set has 150 pictures whereas the testing set has 50 pictures out of the all total in the individual envelope.
