Automated Wheelchair For Paralysed Patient Using Map Generation Algorithm

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Research Scholar, School Of Bio Engineering, Department Of Biomedical Engineering, Bharath Institute Of Higher Education And Research, Chennai

2 Professor, School Of Bio Engineering,Department Of Biomedical Engineering, Bharath Institute Of Higher Education And Research,Chennai


Physically handicap people depend upon a wheelchair for navigation which
restricts their mobility to a short-range mostly within indoors. The system must be
manually controlled else map must be created and stored by the developers for navigation
in an indoor location autonomously. All the user needed indoor maps difficult to create by
a developer where the system can generate a storable map based on which the user can
navigate autonomously in the store map location. Way discovering calculation Algorithm
is utilized to discover the way between the current position and objective and the way is
utilized to explore to the objective self-sufficiently.
