Speculation On The Biochemical Mechanisms And Preventive Actions Of Copper Deficiency In Karakul Sheep In A Famine

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Samarkand State University, Samarkand, st. University Boulevard, 15. Uzbekistan


Based on literature data and the results of our own research, this article provides a detailed analysis of copper metabolism in sheep. At the same time, the issues of the emergence, development, and deepening of copper deficiency in sheep grazed in the conditions of the biogeochemical province of the Hungry Steppe are revealed. Studies have established correlation relationships between the copper content in the liver and blood, between the copper content in the blood and the activity of copper-containing blood enzymes, between the copper content in the blood and the activity of copper-containing liver enzymes, and between the activity of copper-containing blood and liver enzymes. Based on the use of these correlation relationships, a convenient test has been developed, with which it is possible to establish the availability of copper for Karakul sheep bred in the conditions of the Hungry Steppe. Using this method of testing a flock consisting of 465 sheep was examined and 76 (16.34%) copper deficient animals were identified, of which 8 (1.72%) had obvious signs of endemic ataxia. Subsequently, the examined animals were fed copper sulfate in the form of a salt mixture mixed with sodium chloride and complete improvement in the hralth of the sheep herd was achieved.
