Logistics Distribution Channels Operations Among Investors Of Mutual Funds

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Assistant Professor, MBA,Sona College of Technology, Salem

2 Principal, Periyar University Constituent college of Arts and Science, Pennagaram

3 Student, MBA, Sona College of Technology, Salem


A mutual fund is an investment that pools your money with the money of an unlimited number of other investors. In return, you and the other investors each own shares of the fund. The fund's assets are invested according to an investment objective into the fund's portfolio of investments. Aggressive growth funds seek long-term capital growth by investing primarily in stocks of fast-growing smaller companies or market segments. Aggressive growth funds are also called capital appreciation funds”. The risk return trade-off indicates that if investor is willing to take higher risk then correspondingly he can expect higher returns and vice versa if he pertains to lower risk instruments, which would be satisfied by lower returns. For example, if an investors opt for bank FD, which provide moderate return with minimal risk. But as he moves ahead to invest in capital protected funds and the profit-bonds that give out more return which is slightly higher as compared to the bank deposits but the risk involved also increases in the same proportion. Thus investors choose mutual funds as their primary means of investing, as Mutual funds provide professional management, diversification, convenience and liquidity. This is because the money that is pooled in are not invested only in debts funds which are less risky but are also invested in the stock markets which involves a higher risk but can expect higher returns. This study describes the various mutual funds and its distributions among investors.
