Iot Based Gully Pot Monitoring System Using Gsm

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Assistant Professor Selection Grade, Department of Computer Applications, PSG College of Technology Coimbatere, India

2 PG Student,Department of Computer Applications, PSG College of Technology Coimbatere, India


In recent busy world, technology has taken the lead in each and every field and shown advancements. There are many technology improvements due to the advent of sensors and Internet of Things. In spite of these drastic developments, people face some challenges in their daily life. One such problem prevailing is sewer and gully blockages in residential areas. These blockages will lead to sewer flooding into residence leading to pollution and causes epidemic diseases. An energy and cost effective IoT based can be designed for regular monitoring of gully pots and providing intimation to concerned authorities to prevent sewage leakage into a residential areas. This system can also be used escalating unusual liquid levels during storms or cyclones by sending an alarm to the corresponding officials.
