Theological Epistemology And The Crisis Of God In Peruvian Education

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Universidad de Huánuco

2 Universidad Nacional del Callao

3 Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal


Theological epistemology is understood as the study of the bases of theological
knowledge in the light of the faith of the church. Belief has an irreducible dimension of
knowledge, but it has not been reduced solely to the dimension of knowledge.
The death of God, the atheism of our time, is radical and universal. Fundamentally it is
radical, it is no longer just a matter of rejecting theories, ideas or principles, but of denial.
Absolutely deny the relationship with God, God is the foundation of humanity. Even
though people are only part of this relationship, this must become a reality in deep
communication with God and with others. Today the current context, the signs of the times
ask us to give a reason for our faith.
