Secondary Metabolites In The Giant Milk Weed Calotropisprocera And Their Role In Controlling Plant Diseases

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Plant Protection Department, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Iraq


This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of secondary metabolites extracted from Calotropisprocera against plant pathogens in general. The researchersreported that the treatment with those secondary compounds had a positive effect in controlling plant diseases and significantly different from the control treatment (Un treated with those secondary compounds) and the treatments of adding secondary compounds, whether in addition to the soil or seeds, were more efficient in controlling plant pathogens compared to the treatments in which spraying takes place, as the secondary compounds inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi and reducethe percentage of infection and the intensity of infection, it was reported that the alcoholic extract of leaves and latex of the brocade plant acted to reduce the rates of infection with fungi, especially the fungi that cause seed contamination, and they also found that the alcoholic extracts gave better results than the water extracts against plant diseases in general. As well as the important role in increasing the fresh and dry weight of the plant significantly on the control treatments with the presence or absence of pathogenic fungi.
