Women's Education (On The Example Of The 20-30s Of The Twentieth Century)

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Uzbek State University of World Languages,Head of the Department of History of Uzbekistan


This article examines the participation of women in education during the Soviet era. Soviet politics under communist ideology analyzed women's participation in schools, teacher training, and its goals and objectives. It also examines the efforts of the Soviet government to further strengthen its political and economic status, increase ideological influence in all spheres of public life with the event of a "cultural revolution". In particular, it was revealed that this process has taken a serious turn in education, science and culture, which is an important factor in changing people's consciousness. It was shown that the purpose of involving women in spiritual changes taking place in society is, first of all, to use them as cheap labor force, as supporters of their power and with their help to strengthen their power.
