The Effectiveness Of Pharmacotherapy For Dmards With Ra Depending On The C3435t Polymorphism Of The Mdr1 Gene

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Samarkand State Medical Institute


The article discusses data on the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for DMARDs in RA depending on the C3435T polymorphism of the MDR1 gene. It is known that genetic features arise due to nucleotide substitutions in the DNA molecule, which are involved in different ways in the pharmacodynamics or pharmacokinetics of drugs. The identification of such substitutions allows predicting the pharmacological response and, therefore, a personalized approach to the choice of the drug and its dose. The data obtained indicate that the heterozygous carriage of MDR1 was associated with a large decrease in the CDAI index by 1.29 times compared with the carriage of the homozygous allelic variant. In heterozygous carriers of alleles, the frequency of a decrease in the overall assessment of disease activity in patients according to the VAS was significantly higher by 1.05 times compared with carriers of normal allelic variants.


Volume 12, Issue 3 - Serial Number 3
ICMMNT-2021 International Virtual Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Nanotechnology, 30th June, 2021.
June 2021
Pages 2908-2916