Design optimisation and analysis of dual radius circulation control airfoils

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering Nehru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.


Many airfoils have been developed for aircraft, most notably the old NACA airfoils.
New airfoils can also provide less obvious advantages. Airfoils can be designed to exhibit more
docile stall characteristics, for example. Such characteristics improve the flying qualities of
aircraft and reduce the loads on wind-turbine and fan blades. Airfoils can also be designed to
produce maximum lifts that are essentially unaffected by roughness. This characteristic leads to
increased flight safety for aircraft, consistent peak power for wind turbines, and reliable
operation for fans. The main theme or goal of this experimentation is to obtain the expected lift
characteristics of the newly designed circulation control airfoils by varying the thickness,
basically reduced in accordance with the GACC conventional dual radius circulation control
airfoil about 0.25% to each airfoil’s thickness and finding out the airfoil attaining maximum
altitude with the help of a solidworks and solidworks simulation. New airfoils will increase your
profits and your customers' profits. Let's examine the economics for three different applications:
aircraft, wind turbines, and fans. The cost of the airfoil design is trivial compared to the
economic benefits of the new technology. For example, the cost of tailoring an airfoil to a singleengine
airplane is less than 0.1 percent of the cost of bringing that airplane to production, yet the
new airfoil determines to a large extent the airplane's performance and handling. For larger
aircraft, the cost-benefit ratio is even better because the relative cost is lower; for smaller aircraft,
the ratio is also better because the relative benefit is larger. For wind turbines, the cost of the
airfoil design is less than five percent of the annualenergy increase. In other words, the increased
energy production will pay for the airfoil design within the turbine's first month of operation. For
fans, the cost-benefit ratio is similar. Computer simulation has become an essential part of
science and engineering. Digital analysis of components, in particular, is important when
developing new products or optimizing designs. Today a broad spectrum of options for
simulations available; researchers use everything from basic programming languages to various
high-level packages implementing advanced methods. Computer simulation has become an
essential part of science and engineering. Digital analysis of components, in particular, is
important when developing new products or optimizing designs. Today a broad spectrum of
options for simulations available; researchers use everything from basic programming languages
to various high-level packages implementing advanced methods. Though each of these
techniques has its own unique attributes, they all share a common concern: When considering
what makes software reliable, it‟s helpful to remember the goal a computer simulation
environment is simply a translation of real world physical laws into their virtual form.


Volume 11, Issue 1
International Virtual Conference, Recent Materials for, Engineering Applications and Sustainable Environment, December 2020.
May 2020
Pages 407-412