A Survey Paper on Airlines Sentiment Analysis

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Students B.E. Computer Engineering (JCET), Jagadambha College of Engineering and Technology, Yavatmal, India

2 Department of Computer Engineering, Jagadambha College of Engineering and Technology, Yavatmal


Social medias today are an integral part of everyone as a result it is abundant in user’s opinions. Airlines Sentiment Analysis is a sentiment analysis technic about the opinions or problems of each major U.S airline. To understand the customer’s voice, Twitter data was scrapped from various years and contributors asked to first clarify positive, negative and neutral tweets followed by categorizing negative (such as “late flight” or “rude service”). The data were provided on a slightly reformatted version of original source. It includes both CSV and SQLite database files. It all contains sentiment tweets in set that was positive, negative, or neutral for six US airlines. People around world are more actively by using social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. They share information, opinions and ideas using social media. The business communities have become more aware of these social medias so see which information have in their favor. This kind of sentiment analysis makes different airlines to understand customer feedback in a very constructive manner. Airlines companies can improve customer services and also it will make market strategies a better. Based on this kind of analysis companies will know what their customer thinks to take a competitive advantage.