The Impact of Appleton's Model on the Acquisition of Biological Concepts for Students of the Department of Life Sciences by Creating their Productive Thinking

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Department of Life Sciences - College of Education for Pure Sciences Wasit University Kut Iraq


The research aimed to identify the impact of Appleton's model in acquiring
biological concepts for students of the Department of Life Sciences and developing
their productive thinking. Division (b) to represent the control group that studies
embryology topics according to the usual method, the university lecture and dialogue.
The researcher conducted the equivalence between the students of the two research
groups in the following variables: (the chronological age of the students calculated in
months, the general average for the first year, the degree of zoology in the first year,
the IQ The researcher prepared the teaching plans for the subjects taught during the
experiment period distributed to the two research groups, and also prepared the
biological concepts test for embryology for the second stage, the Department of Life
Sciences of the College of Education for pure sciences, and the productive thinking
test. The internal consistency equation Kuder-Richardson_20 because it is more
common in estimating stability. The stability of the test reached (0.78), which is high.
After analyzing the results statistically using the T-test for two independent samples,
the researcher concluded,