Comparative Study between Kaolinite Metal and SuppeFertilizer Nanoparticles in Foliar Feeding, Water Stress of Wheat Crop

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Agriculture College, AL-Qasim Green University, Iraq


A field experiment was conducted in one of the soils exploited by farmers in Babylon province, with an area of 600 m2 for the wheat crop, according to the Randomized Complete Block Designs, and in the arrangement of split plots, Its experimental units included the no-spray treatments for the concentration of kaolinite solution (K0), the chelated nano fertilizer (S0), and the spray treatments for the concentration of the regular kaolinite solution (K1) and the nano (K2), with a comparison with the nano-chelated fertilizer (S1). Its cultivated experimental units were exposed to the usual irrigation, and to three levels of water stress with percentages of water depletion 30, 60 and 90% represented by the symbols B0, B1, B2 and B3. The spraying treatment with kaolinite nano solution was characterized by achieving the highest height of 98.31 cm after spraying the B0K2S0 treatment. compared to the usual irrigation treatments. With a height of 96.20 cm after spraying treatment B1K2S0 under the water depletion level 30%. Its height reached 94.07 cm after spraying B2K2S0 treatment under the influence of 60% water depletion level. interaction with the chelated nano fertilizer gave a height of 90.93 cm after spraying the treatment B3K2S0 under the water depletion level of 90%.The results achieved by the efficiency of spraying the kaolinite nano solution affected the weight of a thousand grains, and as a result, the treatment B0K2S0 recorded the highest weight of a thousand grains of 50.00 g, and the spraying treatments B1K2S0, B2K2S0 and B3K2S1 achieved values of 43.33, 41.00 and 42.67 g. grain-1, respectively. In the dry matter of the grain, potassium recorded 12.43 cmmol kg-1 when treatment B0K1S0. The highest values of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and sulfur were 1.52, 10.1, 3.66 and 9.62 cmol kg-1 at treatments B0K2S1, B1K1S0, B3K2S0 and B1K2S0, respectively. While the micronutrients were exported by iron with the highest values of 180 mg kg-1 at B0K0S0. Zinc achieved the highest value of 140 mg kg-1 when B2K2S1 treatment, No value was recorded in treatment B2K1S1, and copper had the highest value of 50.70 mg kg-1 in treatment B2K0S1, and it did not reflect any value in most of the treatments. As for manganese, it gave the highest value of 130 mg kg-1 in treatment B3K2S1, and it did not register a value in some treatments.
