Role of Innovative Grievance Management Strategies on Workplace Justice

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Asst. Prof., Institute of Management Studies Noida


Grievances are complaints that have been formally registered in accordance with the procedure. Business used effective policies and procedures to resolve the different types of employee grievances. Some employees will use grievance procedures just to express frustration, while others will file a grievance to influence future contract related negotiations or protest unlawful practices. In all cases, managers should strive for the most effective possible resolution that will satisfy both parties. IT companies offer a proper digitalisation plan, adoption of latest technologies to overcome new challenges. Digitalisation can open new avenues of innovation for today's business environment, in turn, improve their outcomes while significantly increase the return. It will also help to face the competition and exploit the opportunities. The IT sector employees are working under digitalised working environment. They face many issues and problems relating to working condition, health and safety and management policies. Management employs differenct innovative strategies for managing grievances like root cause analysis and quality circle. This paper deals with the grievances of employees in a digital work environment and role of innovative grievance management strategies on workplace justice.
