A Moment With Former Leaders In Special Education

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Cluster of Education and Social Sciences, Open University Malaysia

2 Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

3 Institut AminuddinBaki, Malaysia


Experienced school leaders are always a reference by young leaders in managing special education. The experience they have is able to help the next generation of leaders to lead special education better. There are various obstacles and challenges in leading a unique special education. Every knowledge, skill and assistance is needed at all times in providing the best service to special education. This brief study was conducted aimed at exploring the challenges faced by school leaders in leading special education. This qualitative study interviews former leaders in special education regarding the challenges they face when implementing their leadership. The findings of the study found that there are five main challenges in leading special education, namely the diversity of special students, the variety of teachers, facilities, funds and community views. It is hoped that the findings of this study can help future researchers in conducting further research.


Volume 12, Issue 1
International virtual conference on Newer Trends and Innovation in Nanotechnology Materials Science . Science and Technology
March 2021
Pages 36-43