An Association Between Green HR Initiatives With Demographic Data Of IT Companies In Chennai

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Research Scholar, School of Management Studies, Vels Institute Of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Chennai,

2 MBA, SET, PhD., Associate Professor &Research Supervisor , School of Management Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Chennai.


Global concerns about the environment have risen in recent years, particularly since the collapse of the industrial revolution that caused an increase in environmental degradation. These issues are solved through green HR initiatives. There's growing wish for tactical green HR initiative is a combination of green management into HRM. The integration of Green HR initiatives into each and every HRM function, no doubt would help the organisation irrespective of the industry to which it belongs. The data was collected from Trainee, Analyst, Application developer, Associate, Product test specialist, Programmer, Team leader, Software engineer, System engineer, System executive, and Technical analyst of various IT companies among 220 middle levels employees from Chennai. The researcher used spss 21.0 version one - way ANOVA and cross tabs tools for understand association and analysed the variation between Green HR initiatives and demographic factor of employees and also examines the nature and extent of Green HRM initiatives undertaken by IT companies.
