Women Characters In Bhabani Bahattacharya’s Novels

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 Research Scholar, Department Of English, University Of Madras, Chennai, India,

2 Guide and Supervisor, HOD, Department Of English, University Of Madras, Chennai, India

3 Assistant Professor, Department Of English, AMET Deemed to be University, Chennai, India


Women’s bodies are not abstract symbols but key sites of knowledge and esoteric realization. ‘Woman’, who is usually relegated to the margins of the social order is a symbol of wisdom and in times of hardship and crisis, when the hegemonic structures of order break down, is the source of recovery, mending and healing. The feminine signifies the transformative power that converts the poison of despair into medicine, re-propelling the energy of life and hopes and this is well portrayed in Indian English literature. Whenever one talks of moulding the English language for depicting Indian ethos, for painting a picture that would reflect the true spirit of the women in the country, its inmost grace, one remembers Raja Rao, Mulk Raj Anand and Bhabani Bhattacharya who have done pioneering work in shaping English to suit Indian needs. One of the striking features of Bhabani Bhattacharya’s novels is the importance given to women characters. They are not treated as inferior to men but complex individuals leading an independent life. He has talked about their journey from self-denial to self-affirmation through the stages of tradition, transition and modernity.
