A Technique to Combine Hill-Climbing With a Random Walk towards Efficiency and Completeness

Document Type : Primary Research paper


1 SQL Server DBA/Salesforce Admin, Buffini & Company, Carlsbad,CA, USA

2 Professor, KITS, India


Biological systems interact within their environment by actuation, speech, etc. All behavior is centered around actions in the world. Examples include controlling the steering of a Mars rover or autonomous vehicle, or suggesting tests and making diagnoses for a medical diagnosis system. Includes areas of robot actuation, natural language generation, and speech synthesis. The cost threshold is initialized to the heuristic estimate of the initial state, and in each successive iteration is increased to the total cost of the lowest-cost node that was pruned during the previous iteration. This paper provides a technique to combine hillclimbing with a random walk towards efficiency and completeness.


Volume 12, Issue 3 - Serial Number 3
ICMMNT-2021 International Virtual Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Nanotechnology, 30th June, 2021.
June 2021
Pages 3277-3281