Review On Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Their Pathogenesis, Epidemiology,And Emerging Treatments

Document Type : Primary Research paper


Manipur International University


Diabetic foot complications are not exactly a hot topic. Diabetic nephropathy, heart attack, and stroke are not as common as diabetic foot complications, although they are still the most common complications of diabetes. As a result of diabetic foot infections and lesions, most diabetics are hospitalized and require long-term hospitalizations in the case of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), which can lead to amputations of the limb and significant social, psychological, and economic effects. A DFU can develop in up to 25% of diabetic people throughout their lives, and more than half of those patients become infected. As a result, to avoid undesirable results, infection and ulcer recovery must be carefully managed. Doctors and patients alike should be aware of the latest developments in DFU treatment. An overview of the current assessment and treatment options for DFUs is provided here to assist clinicians in making educated decisions, including molecular and regenerative medicine, energy-based antimicrobial therapies, plant extracts; antimicrobial peptides; growth factors; devices, and nanomedicine.


Volume 12, Issue 1
International virtual conference on Newer Trends and Innovation in Nanotechnology Materials Science . Science and Technology
March 2021
Pages 413-425