The effect of house cricket (Acheta domesticus) meal on growth performance of red hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis sp.)

Document Type : Primary Research paper



In the present study, the effect of house cricket, Acheta domesticus meal on the growth performance of red hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis sp. was evaluated. There were five treatments with different combination of house cricket and rice bran, namely T1 (60% of A. domesticus + 40% rice bran), T2 (70% of A. domesticus + 30% rice bran), T3 (80% of A. domesticus + 20% rice bran), T4 (90% of A. domesticus + 10% rice bran) and T5 (100% of A. domesticus), each with three replicates. The control group of fish was fed with commercial pellet. The feeding trial was carried out for four weeks and the liver of the fish from each treatment was subjected to histology study in order to evaluate the toxicity level of house cricket against fish that received treatment. The results of the present study showed that there was significantly difference (p < 0.05) among the treatment diets towards the survival and growth rate of red hybrid tilapia, where Treatment T1 showed the best result in term of survival and growth rate. However, histology study revealed that the fish liver suffered from abnormal fatty changes as the concentration of A. domesticus increased in treatment diets.
